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Women in Dentistry

Historically, dentistry was an overwhelmingly male dominated field, with the first woman British dentist Lilian Lindsay qualifying in...

Nucleus- Revision on Cells.

Cells have mechanisms that allow them to express genetic info selectively, following instructions relevant for that cell at that time. A...

Cannabidiol oil

CBD oil has risen in popularity here in the UK, allowing people more autonomy over their health- perhaps due to media and the supposive...

Opioids in Massachusetts

Here in the UK, opioids aren't prescribed much for dental pain, but in 2016 in the USA, a Working group was established by the Governor...

Dentists Act 1878.

The Dentists Act 1878 created the dentists' register so only qualified dentists could be added. An unfortunate clause meant that others...

Brexit Thoughts

I am sure many people may be excited about the freedom from the EU membership. However, I am not so convinced, myself. I would be...

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