With any medication or new routine, there are factors which come into play for someone to stick to it. One such factor is capability- physical or psychological factors which can inhibit people taking meds for example dementia or depression. Perhaps there are broader literacy issues which may contribute to misunderstanding.
Another factor may be opportunity- or lack of- for example prescription problems, costs of meds or whether they are stocked in the pharmacies. These are structural or systemic factors.
A third factor may be motivation- whether someone is worried about side effects or has a fear of taking the medication, how much value this holds to them, perhaps cultural differences and perceived seriousness comes into play. I guess that this could also be linked to a lack of knowledge. I always remember the words 'it takes 90 days to form a habit!' but in this period, behavioural changes and forgetfulness have to be battled, as well as any life events or holidays which can change routine, mood and belief changes.
In terms of helping manage this, aside from systemic factors, these fronts can be looked at. Does someone need help to make decisions or manage a routine by using something as simple as a pill box? How can we help motivate this person- what would be their why?
In terms of medical prescriptions in the dental office, high fluoride toothpaste is something that is often used to help combat early decay. In this case, maybe taste is a barrier, which could aid motivation- as this would demotivate patients to use it if it tasted like raw sprouts. This product might also be easier for patients to use as toothbrushing may already be part of their routine, but the frequency and amount of toothpaste would need a behavioural change, requiring good motivation and adherence.