With syphilis on the rise, its dental health professionals, we are well placed to keep a look out for the signs .
Syphilis may be more noticeable by multiple apathous ulcers demonstrating non-specific inflammatory changes. It is important to keep an eye out for any ulcerated mucosal abnormalities with a rolled margin, especially in sites such as the oropharynx, a prevalent site for primary syphilis.
A positive serology can be treated with IM Benzathine penicillin, and histopathology may demonstrate lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.
The primary organism in syphilis is Treponema palladium, a very invasive spirochaete.
Patients and dental practitioners may not feel comfortable disclosing sexual health history, but as syphilis is on the rise in hetro and homosexual groups, increased awareness of the rise and signs a patient might present with may be of benefit.