Happy New Year everyone (hope this year soothes the wounds of the last) !
Liners and bases have been used historically for years, but the short answer is: No; no, make them go!
They are no longer recommended for deep restorations for the following reasons:
The dentine bonding agent should seal the dentinal tubules and the restoration.
Resin composites are insulators so shouldn't require a base for this reason.
A base limits the surface area for bonding.
It saves time (we all like a bit of that).
Blum et al. says post-operative sensitivity after liner placement is actually 20% greater then without!
Von Fraunhofer says that there is an increase in micro leakage, secondary caries and post-operative sensitivity in restorations with a liner.
A systematic review conducted by Schwendicke et al. concluded that there was insufficient evidence for a cavity lining based on antibacterial effects.
So there we have it; no means no.
https://northwestdentalacademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Article-10.pdf https://europepmc.org/article/med/16689065