Loss of income has been a real concern for associates, along with a change of working hours or the possibility of not having jobs to return to, as a few principals have had to close down their practices.
It would be nice to say that there are no associates without income, but unfortunately, unclear guidance may have left a few principals to try and limit their losses. Many private associates were hit hard too.
I have heard a few stories of NHS associates being financially mistreated, and searching for clarity on pay. I have even heard of an associate being told that their services are not needed, via text message! How absurd... not to mention unprofessional!
Additional PPE charges have put some patients in a frenzy. Perhaps this is why some principals have passed these charges to their associates.
It is clear that more clear guidance is needed for principals, and associates to turn to.
The change for newbies
The dental landscape is constantly changing. At the moment, students are leaving uni's with far less clinical experience, to go into a very litigious, demanding environment. I fear that getting a good job, that allows you to grow and become a more experienced clinician, after foundation training will be more difficult now.
I also feel that private dentistry is also getting more difficult to get into, as principals are seeking people with more experience, with additional skills, courses and post-grad education.